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InformationInternetDownload Accelerator 6.19.4Internet Download Accelerator effectively solvesthree of the biggest problems when downloading files: speed, resumingbroken downloads, and management of downloaded files.The distinguishing features of Internet Download Accelerator are superioroverall performance and convenient user interface.InternetDownload Accelerator lets you to noticeably increase the speed of filedownload from the Internet using HTTP, HTTPS and FTP protocols. The accelerationis achieved by splitting a file being downloaded into several parts anddownloading these parts at the same time. Internet Download Acceleratorresumes broken downloads from where they left off from both HTTP, HTTPSand FTP servers.To increase usability Internet Download Accelerator integrates with InternetExplorer, Chrome, Firefox, Mozilla, Opera, Netscape, Safari, Yandex.Browser, Vivaldi and others, replacing the standarddownload modules. Moreover, the program monitors the system clipboardand detects URLs in the clipboard. With IDA you can.The most popular software, archives, documentsIDA integrates intofile catalog enabling you to search for files and mirrors rightfrom the program and get information about the most popular software,music, archives, documents etc. Having signed up you will be ableto add comments for files, add files to your own Favorites availableto you on any computer connected to the Internet.Whatever your connection type, Internet Download Accelerator will usethe bandwidth of your connection most effectively and download files extremelyfast.Power and useful tool for management of download categories. Possibilityof automatic file type detection with automatic file placement to thespecified categories.
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Unlimited number of categories and hierarchy levels.Internet Download Accelerator uses the original technology whichlets you to work with the program without opening the main windowwith download list.The program also contains:- FTP Explorer;- site manager for password and download folders management;- scheduler;- download speed control, automatic mode for the most comfortable browsingon the Web;- dial for dial-up connection;- search for files, programs, games, and music;- IDA Bar - a toolbar for Internet Explorer and Firefox. IDA newsDownload vacationSummer features were made for you: improved the download of video and music from video services, and if the video is not downloaded (blocked, deleted), the type of error is correctly reported. Fixed a bug with updating the portable version and a few minor bugs. Get updated.New video & music downloadingIn the new Internet Download Accelerator 6.18 we restored the download of video and music from video services. For greater reliability, we added an additional backup for the list of downloads. For complete relevance, we have improved the update plug-ins and additional modules.