Gorillaz Clint Eastwood Lyrics Mp3 Download


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Clint Eastwood Gorillaz Lyrics Meaning

Gorillaz Clint Eastwood Lyrics Mp3 Download

Gorillaz Youtube

I ain't happy, I'm feeling gladI got sunshine in a bagI'm useless but not for longThe future is coming onI ain't happy, I'm feeling gladI got sunshine in a bagI'm useless but not for longThe future is coming onIt's coming onIt's coming onIt's coming onYeah. Ha Ha!Finally someone let me out of my cageNow, time for me is nothing 'cause I'm counting no ageNow I couldn't be thereNow you shouldn't be scaredI'm good at repairsAnd I'm under each snareIntangibleBet you didn't think so I command you toPanoramic viewLook I'll make it all manageablePick and chooseSit and loseAll you different crewsChicks and dudesWho you think is really kickin' tunes?Picture you gettin' down in a picture tubeLike you lit the fuseYou think it's fictional?Mystical?

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