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.nod. As one of the few Americans with an externally oriented view of the world, I've really noticed this a lot. I've gone from calling myself a conservative as my parents are, to realizing that truly, I'm disgusted by the American Conservatives with their 'Family Values' stuff. They've invented a history with rose-colored glasses, and presume that things like homosexuality, abortion, divorce, etc are inventions of our modern age. Or some other crazy stuff like that.They will deny empirical fact simply because it does not line up with their world views.I took a little thing online at one point to prove to a friend that I wasn't really a conservative just because I voted for Bush and had been a registered Republican.

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The test covered a variety of topics and labeled me straight up Socialist. I now take this more to heart, and have stopped playing the role that my parents have expected of me.I just can't deny refusing another human what we consider to be fundamental rights on any basis, or for any reason (ok, except criminal due process. You got me there). Reagan/Bush/Bush is typified by extreme fiscal irresponsibilityThere are two ways to look at this.

Republicans might argue that there is a difference between painful levels of investment and liabilities.If I buy a house that I can't afford unless I pinch every penny I have until it bleeds. You can still understand that I have a huge asset and thus I am net neutral or even possibly net-positive (if the investment grows over time).

Likewise with college tuition - it hurts for decades BUT you have MUCH greater earning potential as well as the ability to weather harder times. Plus you're a better citizen.Taking out a cell phone contract, a cable contract, leasing a car for 3 years, etc are, on the other hand, liabilities. Zero asset, with a required present and future expenditure. You do not have the option of switching out in the short-term without incuring prohibitive costs.

Social Security, Medicare, nationalized health-care, the EPA, and a few others are generally put into this category by Republicans with this same argument. They are exclusively referred to by Republicans as 'entitlements', which is meant to exemplify that they represent a liability to the public in the future (and present).Republicans consistently fight ALL forms of entitlement, because you can never take them away, only add extra percents to everyone's taxes. You'll never get below 15% tax ever again, because that's what it takes to pay for SS and medicare (you + employer). 15% is the base from which zero money can be earned by the government - for EVER. Each additional entitlement means growing that base of zero-sum tax base.When you get to 80 or 90%, you've achieved communism.My point here is that Republicans HAVE been consistent with fiscal responsibility in that they have always fought (almost unwaveringly) growing the entitlement base. Wars are usually non-entitlements / non-liabilities, with the exception of several bases in Germany and Japan (and possibly Iraq going forward).

They also represent 'investments' into the high-tech industries of war-making. I'd say investments into industry as well, except that the housing boom has already fully extended our construction-workers - we were operating in inefficient regions of the economy.The second half of fiscal responsibility is debt management. But almost any firm will tell you that 'some' debt is good. The US government is still very well leveraged compared to the average business (meaning the risk level is acceptable given the income potential). The only difference is that most businesses are 'expected' to geometrically grow their revenew and thus current debt levels are considered trivial to pay off in the future when they come due. The government can only hope for such geometric growth of GDP (and thus it's tax-base). In reality such growth can't happen except through inflation.Regan regrettably embraced inflation.

It rewards property-owners and debtors (like the US government and many businesses). But punishes the working class (which have dramatically fewer appreciable assets).

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You might think that poor-people debt is helped by inflation, but their debt is unsecured and thus there are variable rates which are unbounded and usually in the 20% level - FAR beyond any historical US inflation level. Smartsvn linux crack. Moreover if inflation did rise, so too would credit-card rates. Car and home-loans on the other hand almost never get this high, and thus would be good to weather inflation.Bush 2 could be seen as embracing inflation as well.

The low interest rates are vehicles for inflation (this is mostly masked by the apparent recession of the time). Likewise the massive spending spree of the government. There was also little action against the rising price of energy with the one exception of encouraging drilling in environmentally protected lands.

The war had three positive inflationary pressures: increased government spending, increased pressures on skill labor forces, increased risk-of-energy which translated to hi. With any organization, the level of efficiency is related to how accountable they are for their waste. Corporations are directly accountable for their waste from multiple directions - shareholders who would like to see the largest return on their profit, and consumers who would like to get the best price for any given product.

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Therefore corporate efficiency is directly related to how much competition and overhead they have. So yes, it is perfectly possible for a company to be more efficient as it grows larger, by decreasing overhead, provided that they are well managed, and are forced to compete for customers.Governments programs are almost always monopolies (otherwise there would be little reason for it to be run by the government as opposed to the market). Customers (tax payers) cannot take their money and go elsewhere as it is forced from them at gunpoint.

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Their only choice is to use the services they are forced to pay for, or spend even more money on top of that to use another service. Either way the government gets their.

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