Diferentes Tipos De Pruebas De Software Educativo

  1. Tipos De Pruebas Psicologicas

An exploratory testing session should not exceed two hours and need to have a clear scope to help testers focus on a specific area of the software. Once all testers have been briefed, is up to them to try various actions to check how the system behaves. This type of testing is expensive by nature but is quite helpful to uncover UI issues or verify complex user workflows.

It's something especially worth doing whenever a significant new capability is added to your application to help understand how it behaves under edge cases. To finish this guide, it's important to talk about the goal of testing. While it's important to test that users can use your application (I can log in, I can save an object) it is equally important to test that your system doesn't break when bad data or unexpected actions are performed. You need to anticipate what would happen when a user makes a typo, tries to save an incomplete form or uses the wrong API. You need to check if someone can easily compromise data, get access to a resource they're not supposed to.

Tipos De Pruebas Psicologicas

A good testing suite should try to break your app and help understand its limit.

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