Driver Packages Sccm 2007


Ronni Pedersen wrote:Hi,Try checking the share permissions for your driver packages. If you can't add any drivers to any packages, that might be the problem.You can view the 'status messages' for every package (not only driver packages) by extending the package - extend Package Status - select the ' - ' - right click the Distribution Point - select Show Messages - All.Best RegardsRonni Pedersenhi,I too have and am seeing this problemif i give the group Everyone co-owner access to the share instead of READ access then it works however what are the security implications of that?

Surely then everyone can add or delete whatever they want within the driver-packages share,what user should I be giving access to specifically? I tried giving the Network Access account defined in Computer Client Agent full access but it failed again,cheersanyweb. Hp designjet 1055cm plus printer windows 7 driver. The goal is to have your SCCM Server the ability to WRITE to the package folder. It needs this so that it can update the folder content.So, if by adding everyone co-owner access to the share fixed the problem, you have proven that you have a SHARE / NTFS problem.Now you need to remove Everyone co-owner rights and figure out why your SCCM server doesn't have access in a more controlled manner.Note: Technically, you may be able to leave Everyone with Co-owner SHARE level access if your NTFS access is more restrictive (i.e.

Driver Packages Sccm 2007

Giving the SCCM computer account Write access and everyone read access from an NTFS this way, only SCCM will be able to update content and everyone will only be able to read.). The SCCM server was installed using a domain user called SMSadmin, that user is a member of Local Administrators on this windows 2008 server, that user has been given full priveledges on the 'driver packages' share, yet SCCM seems to ignore that fact,I would rather not leave EVERYONE having full access to this share because then anyone can delete files contained within it,what I would like to know is what rights does Microsoft recommend we use on the driverpackages share, browsing Technet at length has not revealed the answer to me yet.cheersanyweb. ' the SCCM server was installed using a domain user called SMSadmin, that user is a member of Local Administrators on this windows 2008 server, that user has been given full priveledges on the 'driver packages' share, yet SCCM seems to ignore that fact' Yes, SMSadmin account has nothing to do with how the content in the driver packages get updated (as far as I know) the account that needs access is you SCCM server COMPUTER ACCOUNT. Give the SCCM Computer account rights to the share and to the NTFS permissions. It needs write ability.

In my “ Migrating from Configuration 2007 to Configuration Manager 2012” session at the meeting in Copenhagen last Friday, I demonstrated a tool to automatically update the package source in Configuration Manager 2007. As promised, this tool is now available for. The background for the toolAs we start migrating from CM2007 to CM2012 one of the requirements is that the package source used for packages must be a UNC.

I have seen many site installations where the package source is either a local source on the site server or a UNC pointing to the site server. In either case, you must somehow update the package source before starting the migration.Together with my colleague Jakob G.

Svendsen I developed a tool that can assist you in the process. The tool can be downloaded here. Use the toolIn this example I will update two different package sources from the local CM2007 site server to my new file server. As you can see from the illustrations I have packages using two different sources:.Both sources will be updated to the new source location which is Along with updating the source, I will also copy the files to the new location. Start the tool by opening PackageSourceChanger.exe as administrator.

Accept the license terms. Click Configuration and type the name of the Configuration Manager 2007 server. Click Save when done. I Find type: and click Verify.

Apply Driver Package Sccm 2007


In Replace type: and click Verify. Check Copy content from Old to new source. Click Select Packages and select the packages from the list. Click Save when done. Click Start to start the package source update process. If you click Verify Location you should be able to see the packages in the new location.The ConsequencesYou need to test and plan these package sources updates. Updating a package source will start a on all the distribution points.

Driver Packages Sccm 2012

For even a medium size site this can take several hours.

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