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What's New in SDL Trados 2007 Suite FreelanceRelease NotesThese release notes contain important informationregarding this release. SDL strongly recommends that you read them in theirentirety before starting to use SDL Trados 2007 Suite Freelance.Copyright (c) 2008 SDL plc. All rights reserved.IntroductionSDL Trados 2007 Suite Freelance is the successor toSDL Trados 2007 Freelance SP2 and contains the following two product lines: SDL Trados2007 Freelance SP3 as the latest release of SDL Trados 2007 replacing previousservice packs SDL PassoloEssential including all main functions needed for the localization of softwareThese release notes mainly contain information on SDLTrados 2007 Freelance SP3. For more information on SDL Passolo Essential andits restrictions compared to the Professional and Team Editions, refer to the SDLPassolo Getting Started Guide and SDL Passolo Handbook included withSDL Passolo Essential.

You can access this documentation from the Start view inSDL Trados Synergy or through the Windows Start Menu under All Programs SDL Passolo Manuals.SDL Trados 2007 Freelance SP3 included in SDL Trados2007 Suite Freelance provides enhancements and addresses issues found in theprevious SDL Trados 2007 releases. SDL Trados 2007 Freelance SP3 has theversion number and updates the three SDL Trados 2007 components asfollows: SDLX builds7014, 7025 (SP1) and build 7035 (SP2) are updated to build 7044. SDL Tradosbuilds 822, 826 (SP1) and 835 (SP2) are updated to build 863. SDL TradosSynergy build 96 or 132 is updated to build 161.Installing SDL Trados 2007 Suite FreelanceSDL Trados 2007 Suite Freelance is provided in two flavors: As a patch installer for customers who alreadyhave either SDL Trados 2007 Freelance build 822, build 826 (SP1) or build 835(SP2) installed (approx.

215 MB in size). As a full installer for customers who have notyet previously installed SDL Trados 2007 Freelance or who have SDL Trados 2007Freelance build 820 installed (approx. 450 MB in size).Both installers now contain SDL Passolo Essential as the new softwarelocalization component in SDL Trados 2007 Suite Freelance.Important: SDL Trados 2007 Suite Freelance is valid for users of SDL Trados 2007Freelance, SDL Trados 2007 Freelance SP1 or SDL Trados 2007 Freelance SP2 only.It cannot be applied to earlier versions of SDL Trados Freelance. There areseparate instructions for users of SDL Trados 2007 Freelance build 822(released in May 2007) or later and build 820 (released in April 2007). Referto the next two sections for details.Existing Users: Updating from SDL Trados 2007 Freelance Build 822, Build826 (SP1) or Build 835 (SP2) Using the SDL Trados 2007 Suite Freelance PatchInstallerTo update from SDL Trados 2007 Freelance build 822, build 826 or build835, follow these steps:1.

Download the self-extracting executable file SDLTrados2007SuiteFLSP3863Patch.exeand save it to your local hard disk.2. Exit all SDL Trados applications on themachine where SDL Trados 2007 Freelance, SDL Trados 2007 Freelance SP1 or SDLTrados 2007 Freelance SP2 is installed. Also close Microsoft Word and anyrelated applications (such as Microsoft Outlook).3. Double-click the SDLTrados2007SuiteFLSP3863Patch.exe file and follow theinstructions on the screen.Note: The patchinstaller requires the installation files from the original SDL Trados 2007Freelance or SP1/SP2 releases to be available during the installation process.These files have the extension.msi.

By default, the original release keepsthese files on your system in a temporary folder (%TEMP%SDL Trados 2007, where%TEMP% resolves to C:Documentsand SettingsLocal SettingsTemp by default on WindowsXP). If you have deleted this folder, you may first need to re-run the originalSDL Trados 2007 self-extracting executable file to re-extract the.msi filesfrom the original release. When running the patch installer, you may beprompted to point to these.msi files. If you no longer have access to theoriginal.msi files you can uninstall SDL Trados 2007, SDLX 2007 and SDL TradosSynergy 2007 using the Add or Remove Programs command in the ControlPanel and then download and run the full installer following theinstructions provided below.Existing Users: Updating from SDL Trados 2007 Freelance Build 820 Usingthe Full SDL Trados 2007 Suite Freelance InstallerThe patch installer for SDL Trados 2007 Suite Freelance cannot be used toupdate SDL Trados 2007 Freelance build 820 as released in April 2007. If youare using build 820 you first need to uninstall all of the SDL Trados 2007components currently installed on your machine and then run the full Suiteinstaller.

Follow these steps:1. Check that you are running build 820. To dothis, open Start Settings Control Panel Add or RemovePrograms. This opens the Add or Remove Programs window.2. In the Add or Remove Programs window,select SDL Trados 2007.3.

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Click on the link ' Click here forsupport information'. This opens the Support Info dialog box.4. If you are running build 820 of SDL Trados2007, the version number on the Support Info dialog box will be 8.0.820.You can now exit the Support Info dialog box.5. If build 820 is installed, you cannot run theSuite patch installer. Instead you must first uninstall the following threecomponents: SDL Trados 2007, SDL Trados Synergy 2007 and SDLX 2007.6. After uninstalling these three components, youare ready to install SDL Trados 2007 Suite Freelance using the full installeras described below.New Users: Installing SDL Trados 2007 Suite Freelance Using the FullInstaller1. Download the self-extracting executable file SDLTrados2007SuiteFLSP3863.exe andsave it to your local hard disk.2.

Exit all applications on the machine where SDLTrados 2007 Suite Freelance is to be installed. Also close Microsoft Word andany related applications (such as Microsoft Outlook).3. Double-click the SDLTrados2007SuiteFLSP3863.exe file and follow the instructionson the screen.Note: You cannot usethe full installer to upgrade from SDL Trados 2007 (original release), SDL Trados2006 or previous versions to SDL Trados 2007. You must first uninstall SDLTrados 2006 and then install SDL Trados 2007.If you have any issues running the patch or full installer, pleasecontact your support representative.Changes in SDL Trados 2007 Freelance SP1, SP2 and SP3SDL Trados 2007 Suite Freelance includes the latest version of SDL Trados2007 Freelance, referred to as SDL Trados 2007 Freelance SP3. In SDL Trados2007 Freelance SP1, SP2 and SP3, the Programs folder for SDL Trados 2007 on theStart menu has been changed to provide clear access to the mainapplication, SDL Trados Synergy 2007.

Synergy allows you to easily see whichtask you want to perform such as creating a new project, opening a package fortranslation or working with software localization projects using SDL PassoloEssential. Individual SDL Trados applications, such as SDLX and Translator'sWorkbench, have been moved into the SDLX and Trados subfoldersunder the main SDL Trados 2007 folder on the Start menu and canbe accessed from there.

SDL Passolo Essential is available from the SDL Passolosubfolder under the Start menu.SDL Trados SynergyThe following enhancements have been implemented in SDL Trados Synergy:1. (SP3) The Start view in SDL Trados Synergy now includesfunctionality to work with localization projects in SDL Passolo Essential, thenew software localization component shipping with SDL Trados 2007 SuiteFreelance.2. (SP3) SDL Trados Synergy can now bestarted on Windows 64-bit operating systems. Also Synergy now supports beingrun by more than one user on Citrix environments.3. (SP3) SDL Trados Synergy now supportsIrish ( Ireland) on WindowsXP/Windows Vista and Spanish ( UnitedStates) on Windows Vista when creatingprojects.4. (SP3) SDL Trados Synergy supports QuickSilver 3.0 as a new fileformat.5. (SP2) The start-up performance in SDLTrados Synergy has been improved by adding the new SDL Trados 2007 SpeedLauncher application to the Startup group in the Start Menu.

This applicationis started automatically in the background when the computer is started.6. (SP2) Issues with local and remotetermbases have been addressed in SDL Trados Synergy.7. (SP1) Shortcuts to commonly used SDLTrados applications, such as Translator's Workbench, WinAlign and TagEditor,have been added to the new Start view in SDL Trados Synergy.8. (SP1) The message list in TagEditor nolonger flickers when opening a file with verification errors from SDL TradosSynergy.9. (SP1) Running batch verification inSynergy will now create a report of the errors found under all circumstances inthe same way as in TagEditor. In both cases the verifier saves the targetdocument before running the verification.10.

(SP1) Error messages no longer occur whenusing the Create New Project wizard in the localized Chinese userinterface.Translator's WorkbenchThe following enhancements have been implemented in SDL TradosTranslator's Workbench:1. (SP3) This release features a new plug-in connectingTranslator's Workbench with SDL's Automated Translation Server on the Web forthe draft translation of new segments (no matches).

When this feature is activeand there is no 100% or fuzzy match available for a segment, Translator’sWorkbench will contact the SDL Automated Translation server and provide anautomated draft translation for the segment. This feature is available as aBeta version and supports the following language pairs:English-Dutch/Dutch-English, English-Chinese (PRC), English-Chinese( Taiwan),English-French/French-English, English-German/German-English, English-Italian/Italian-English,English-Norwegian, English-Portuguese/Portuguese-English andEnglish-Spanish/Spanish-English.

For more information on this feature, refer tothe Translator's Workbench User Guideand online Help.2. (SP3) At the request of SDL, Microsoft have addressedperformance issues in Microsoft Word 2007 that increase overall performance ofTranslator's Workbench when using Microsoft Word 2007 as a translationenvironment. For more information on the hotfix provided by Microsoft, see KBarticle 952701 in the Microsoft knowledge base at.3.

(SP3) It is now possible to translate headers andfooters when using Microsoft Word 2007 as a translation environment.4. (SP2) It is now always possible to open footnotes inpretranslated documents when using Microsoft Word as a translation editingenvironment.5. (SP2) Percentage characters (%) in translation memoryfile names no longer cause a crash in Translator's Workbench.6. (SP1) It is now possible to use the Irish spell-checker on documentstranslated into Irish in Word or in TagEditor. Target segments are no longermarked as Gaelic ( Scotland).Important: Before applying the patch, all legacy translation memoriesusing Gaelic ( Ireland) orIrish ( Ireland) must beexported. You then need to recreate your translation memories in SDL Trados2007 Freelance SP1/SP2 and import the TMs back before using this version of SDLTrados 2007 Freelance SP3.7. (SP1) Translator's Workbench no longer crashes whenanalyzing Word files with fields that do not have any field codes.8.

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(SP1) Background terminology recognition lookups arenow more stable. Error messages such as 'Pure virtual function call','Illegal Index' and 'This command cannot be run in asynchronousmode' should no longer appear when translating with terminologyrecognition set to be running in the background.9. Download material library for autocad 2010. (SP1) Extended characters in the SDL Trados ribbonfor Word 2007 are no longer corrupted when using the German, French and Spanishversion of the ribbon.10.

(SP1) Issues in the Spanish version wherecalling 100% matches caused Translator's Workbench to crash have been resolved.TagEditorThe following enhancements have been implemented in SDL Trados TagEditor:1. (SP2/SP3) TagEditor features three new plug-ins: SDLTrados QA Checker 2.0, Microsoft Word Spelling Checker 2.0 and Snippet MarkupPlug-in 1.0. For more information on these new plug-ins, refer to the updatedTagEditor online Help and the Translator'sWorkbench User Guide. For backwards compatibility reasons and ongoingprojects, the previous versions of the QA Checker and the Microsoft Wordspelling checker plug-in are still provided.2. (SP1) The Translateto Fuzzy command in TagEditor build 822 no longer runs more slowly than inTagEditor 7.5 (as shipping with SDL Trados 2006).3. (SP1) When opening a segment, the source and targetfields are now always auto-scrolled to the middle of the application window.4. (SP1) When starting Translator’s Workbench fromTagEditor, the Server Busy dialogbox no longer appears on slow machines.5.

(SP1) The Find and Replacedialog boxes in TagEditor no longer have a character limitation of 41characters.6. (SP1) The TagEditor application no longercrashes when a file is closed from the View tab.7. (SP1) The em-dash character is now preservedin TagEditor when working on Microsoft Word documents. Previously, the em-dashwas converted to an en-dash in both the target file and the translation memory.8. (SP1) TagEditor no longer crashes when usingthe Generic Tag Verifier for PowerPoint documents with spaces or othercharacters after the final tag on a slide.9.

(SP1) You can now allow white print on a blackbackground in TagEditor, by activating a color scheme override mechanism whichis activated by a registry key. This may be of benefit to visually impairedusers. For more information on this, contact your support representative.10. (SP1) Unicode Romanian characters are nowdisplayed correctly when using Tahoma font.New in SP2/SP3: QA Checker 2.0SDL Trados 2007 Freelance SP2/SP3 features a new QA Checker 2.0 plug-inwhich is available in addition to the legacy QA Checker plug-in. The new QAChecker 2.0 provides a number of new features, such as more comprehensivenumber and date checks, a new check for trademark characters, more extensivechecks using regular expressions and many more features such as improvedperformance and faster operation. For more information on QA Checker 2.0, referto the updated Translator's WorkbenchUser Guide and the online Help for the TagEditor plug-ins.

For backwardcompatibility reasons and ongoing projects, the previous version of the QAChecker plug-in is still provided.SP1: QA Checker 1.0 EnhancementsSDL recommends using the new QA Checker 2.0 plug-in which provides anumber of enhancements and speed improvements over the previous version of QAChecker.The following issues had been resolved in the QA Checker plug-in for SDLTrados Synergy and SDL Trados TagEditor in the SP1 release:1. The Check capitalization of initial lettersand Check consistency of global capitalization options now correctlypick up capitalization differences between source and target segments.2. QA Checker no longer intermittently displays ablank dialog box when clicking on the Properties button in SDL TradosTagEditor. Likewise, issues with the options on the Segment Verification tabhave been addressed.3. The numbers check in QA Checker has beenimproved.4.

Occurrences of run-time error 91 have beenaddressed.5. A number of fixes have been implemented forregular expression and forbidden character checks.6. Word lists are now loaded correctly from QAChecker profiles.7. There have been fixes to both options on the ExclusionList dialog box ( Apply exclusion list to search for untranslatedsegments and Apply exclusion list to search for target segmentsidentical to source).New in SP2/SP3: Microsoft Word Spelling Checker 2.0SDL Trados 2007 Freelance SP2/SP3 features a new, faster and more robustMicrosoft Word Spelling Checker 2.0 plug-in in TagEditor that can be used incombination with Microsoft Word 2007, Microsoft Word 2003, Microsoft Word XPand Microsoft Word 2000. This new plug-in supports the Unicode-encoded customdictionary format used in Microsoft Word 2007. New in SP3: The start-uplogic of the Microsoft Word Spelling Checker 2.0 has been enhanced to handleboth running and new Microsoft Word instances more robustly.When using the new plug-in in TagEditor in combination with MicrosoftWord 2007, we recommend exiting any visible instance of Microsoft Word 2007before starting to use TagEditor and the plug-in to spell check documents.

Ifyou do not do this, you may run into Microsoft Word 2007 error messages about.dotm files being locked and in use. These error messages point to a known bugin Microsoft Word 2007 that has been reported to Microsoft and that may befixed in a future service pack release of Word 2007. This issue does not occurwhen using the plug-in with earlier versions of Microsoft Word.New in SP2/SP3: Snippet Markup Plug-in 1.0The Snippet Mark-up Plug-in 1.0 allows users to convert parts ofCDATA-based text embedded in XML files to internal tags so that they are notincluded in translation. For example, it is possible to mark embedded HTML inCDATA elements in XML files as internal tags, so that the embedded HTML code isnot treated as translatable text. For more information on the Snippet Mark-upplug-in, refer to the updated Translator'sWorkbench User Guide.Fixes and Enhancements in File Format SupportA number of fixes have been implemented for various file formats asdescribed below.New in SP3: Support for BroadVision QuickSilver 3.0SDL Trados 2007 Freelance SP3 provides support forBroadVision QuickSilver IASCII documents in SDL Trados using S-Tagger forInterleaf/QuickSilver. Both new IASCII versions 8.5 (as created by the originalQuickSilver 3.0 release) and 8.6 (as created by QuickSilver 3.0 after the April2008 patch release) are supported. Documents created with earlier Interleaf versions continue to besupported, too.

For optimum conversion results and robust support for Unicode,SDL recommends using IASCII 8.6 as QuickSilver Save As format. Refer to thelatest QuickSilver release notes and Unicode-related documentation for details.Also SDL recommends using the TTX rather than the RTF format as default outputformat for SDL Trados S-Tagger for Interleaf/QuickSilver, and using SDL TradosTagEditor as the translation environment.New in SP2/SP3: Support for Adobe FrameMaker 8.0SDL Trados 2007 Freelance SP2/SP3 provides support forAdobe FrameMaker 8.0 MIF documents, both in SDL Trados (using S-Tagger forFrameMaker) and SDLX. Documents created with earlier FrameMaker versions alsocontinue to be supported. For optimum conversion results and robust support forUnicode, SDL recommends using the TTX rather than the RTF format as defaultoutput format for SDL Trados S-Tagger, and using SDL Trados TagEditor as thetranslation environment.Note for Japanese and Chinese users: SDL strongly recommends using the Unicode-based Adobe FrameMaker 8.xMIF format for translation from Japanese/Chinese to English or other targetlanguages. There are no known issues when using this latest MIF 8.x format.However, if you are still working with the non-Unicode Adobe FrameMaker 7.xversion, issues may occur in the area of Japanese/Chinese style names and otherMIF 7.x elements using the Japanese/Chinese character set. If you still requiresupport for MIF 7.x, please contact your support representative for a solutionbased on earlier SDL Trados S-Tagger releases that we can make available uponrequest.Additional Fixes for Adobe FrameMaker 8.x1. (SP3) SDL Trados 2007 Freelance SP3contains all hot fixes for SDL Trados S-Tagger for FrameMaker published afterthe SP2 release.

For more information on these issues, consult the SDLknowledge base at.Additional Fixes for Adobe FrameMaker 7.x1. (SP3) SDL Trados 2007 Freelance SP3contains all hot fixes for SDL Trados S-Tagger for FrameMaker published afterthe SP2 release. For more information on these issues, consult the SDLknowledge base at.2.

(SP2) Extended characters in style names arenow fully preserved.3. (SP1) Extended characters from sourcedocuments are no longer transferred as corrupted characters into the targetAdobe FrameMaker MIF document.4. (SP1) The S-Tag Verifier plug-in in TagEditornow performs a complete verification.Adobe InDesign CS2/CS3SDL Trados 2007 Freelance SP2 provides support forAdobe InDesign CS3 documents, both in SDL Trados and SDLX. Adobe InDesign CS2.x continues to be supported.Additionally, the following fixes have been implemented for the AdobeInDesign CS2/CS3 file format (INX):1. (SP3) SDL Trados 2007 Freelance SP3 contains all hot fixes for InDesignCS2/CS3 published after the SP2 release. For more information on these issues,consult the SDL knowledge base at.2.


(SP2) Certain types of image no longerdisappear when converting files back to INX format.3. (SP2) The number of internal tags hasbeen reduced by moving the default character format information into theexternal paragraph tag.4.

(SP1) Saving certain INX files as target nolonger results in the error 'Resource tag with ID 'has been inserted or modified at Control ID 'document'.' (SP1) Errors no longer occur during backwardconversion for Notes, Nested fields, Non-breaking spaces, Discretionary linebreaks and text variables.6. (SP1) Index entries with quotes in the INXfile are now retained in the translated INX file.7. (SP1 and SP2) A number of other forward andbackward conversion issues have been fixed.New in SP2: Support for QuarkXPress 7.x via theThird-Party QuarkXPress Plug-in CopyFlow from Napsys ( 7 files, including Unicode encoded files,are now fully supported in both SDL Trados and SDLX through the third-partyapplication CopyFlow from Napsys. For more information on CopyFlow and specialoffers for SDL Trados users, see.Microsoft Word Support in TagEditorUsing earlier versions of SDL Trados and translating Word documents intoArabic in TagEditor, where you had target Arabic segments with Western textincluded in the segment, the Western text was moved out of its correct positionto the far right-hand side of the segment in the back-converted targetdocument. This has now been corrected and Western text is now put into thecorrect position in the target segment.Microsoft PowerPoint 2000, 2003 and XPSupport for Microsoft PowerPoint files using the new PowerPoint filterhas been enhanced. For instance, the message 'Error while reading storageor stream' should no longer occur.Microsoft Office 2007 (DOCX, PPTX and XLSX)SDL Trados 2007 Freelance SP1, SP2 and SP3 provide enhanced support forthe Microsoft Office 2007 (Office 12) file types DOCX, PPTX and XLSX.

Inparticular, it is now possible to use the Preview feature in TagEditor topreview Office files in the originating application. For this feature to workcorrectly, Microsoft Office 2007 must be installed on the machine where thepreview is performed. In addition to this, a number of issues have beenaddressed in SP3.Filter Settings ApplicationA number of fixes have been implemented in the Filter Settingsapplication, allowing users to alter filter settings for each file format in amore robust fashion.

Also, the settings for the Java Virtual Machine size cannow be set from the Filter Settings application.WinAlign1. (SP3) It is now possible to choose Word 2007(.docx) and PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) files for alignment purposes; it is nolonger necessary to save such files in the previous formats (.doc and.ppt).2.

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(SP2) File types in WinAlign are no longerinconsistent between the General tab and the Files tab.3. (SP2) UTF8 encoded HTML files without metatags now display correctly in WinAlign.4.

(SP1) Changing to Daylight Savings Time nolonger affects WinAlign projects. Previously when you applied DST settings,WinAlign projects were not recognized as being complete and alignment work hadto be redone.SDLX1. (SP3) Issues with AutoMatch crashes have beenaddressed.2. (SP2) SDLX now supports Adobe FrameMaker 8.0MIF documents, Adobe InDesign CS3 documents and QuarkXPress 7.x documents (convertedby CopyFlow from Napsys).3. (SP2) The interface between SDLX and remoteMultiTerm termbases has been made faster and more robust.4.

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(SP1) Support for working with Trados-basedfilters, such as the Microsoft PowerPoint or Word filters, has been enhancedand issues addressed.5. (SP1) Hyperlinks in RTF files are now treatedcorrectly in SDLX.6. (SP1) There is now an option on the Analysistab to specify whether or not you want to perform analysis when creating aproject.7. (SP1) The HTML filter has been re-added tocomplement the filter for Web-based formats.8. (SP1) In earlier versions of SDLX, t hegluing function only glued files with an XML declaration in the header.However, if there was no XML declaration in the XML file, there was no warningto tell you that the files had not been glued and in the gluedxml.txt which was generated, it stated that all files hadbeen glued. This has now been changed to allow the XML filter to search for XMLGlue keywords to identify the start and end of each document.

Also, if youglued files that originally contained script, then the word counts wereinaccurate. This has been changed so that files that have been flagged as “donot process” are not glued.9. (SP1) Interaction with MultiTerm: changes have beenmade to reduce the time it takes to open the MultiTerm mini browser in SDLEdit. Previously, all terms were checked (e.g.

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Correct source and target index)when the browser opened. These checks now occur when you navigate from one termto the next.Updates to SDL Trados 2007 Suite Freelance Documentation1. The key SDL Trados user guides and online Helpsystems are available in English, German, French and Japanese.2. The SDLTrados 2007 Installation Guide has been updated to include the new Startmenu layout.3.

A new SDLTrados 2007 Overview Guide has been provided with this release to introducesome of the main concepts in SDL Trados 2007.4. All guides have been updated to include newinformation and corrections. SDL recommends that you refer to the latestversions of the guides which ship with SDL Trados 2007 Freelance SP3. This alsoapplies to the SDLX documentation.5.

Online Help files have been updated to updateinformation and fix broken links. This also applies to the SDLX help.6. Tutorials have been updated for this releaseof SDL Trados 2007, including SDLX.7. User guides and help for SDL Passolo Essentialare now provided as part of including SDL Passolo Essential in SDL Trados 2007Suite Freelance.Known Issues in SDL Trados 2007 Suite FreelanceRefer to the main release notes in SDL Trados 2007 for the latestinformation on known issues. You can access the release notes from theDocumentation subfolder under Start Programs SDL International SDL Trados 2007 Documentation.

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