Battlefield Hardline English Language Files Book

  1. English Language Definition

IamRimen said: th3m-BQQB1ES 說: chocolatemoses said: scivini said: chocolatemoses said: Okay. You have to go to your BFH folder. Rename you BFH.exe to anything else Change your Origin Client to English. Restart Origin Repair/Redownload BFH - the missing language files are downloaded Start BFH Options Language English EnjoyAfter renaming bfh.exe Origin does not recognize Hardline as installed.Yes.

English language history

But when you click download he only will download the missing files and the bfh.exe again.Can confirm that this downloads the english files and you can select the audio ingame. But it still does not change the ON SCREEN language.

To do that you need to go to your Origin folder /BFH/data/win32/loc and delete the language you want to get rid of. In my case i had to delete everything starting with dexxx and leave everything enxxx for the english on screen language. Make sure you have the corresponding language setting selected there: IamRimen said: I have a solution for you guys, check it out.

Battlefield Hardline English Language Files Book

Press 'Win'+“R', then type 'regedit' and press ”Enter' button. Find 'HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWAREEA GAMESBFHLocale' Change the content of 'Locale' to 'deDE' for Germany, 'enUS' for English, 'zhTW' for Chinese. So for now i have english audio and english ON SCREEN. What i wounder though, is how updates will work.

English Language Definition

Most likely updates will only update my german files, requiering me to do this after every update again. Lets let the devs know, that this is unnecassary and should be reverted like it was handled in previous battlefields!!!There is no ingame Chinese audio in any EA games. So I didn't realize you guys are talking about audio at firts. LOL I didn't take chance, i did everything you said and this too. It works for me! to change the HUD Language, press the 'Windows-Key' + 'R', enter 'regedit.exe' and hit enter, then go to 'HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeEA GamesBFH' change the value of 'Locale' from 'deDE' to 'enUS', close regedit. Now that's done go to your origin settings and change the Client language to 'English (US)' The last two steps are as following: Go to your 'OriginGames' folder and delete 'GDFBinarydeDE64.dll' and 'bfh.exe'(or whatever GDFBinary.DLL you have) Finally open up origin and hit 'Download', after the download is finished, the HUD Language and the Audio language should be english now. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia-journal Canadien D Anesthesie.

Today i will show you how to Change Battlefield Hardline language + Save location1- install the game2- Change languagea- change language when installing the gameb- change language inside game setting.

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